Arvore Ancestral


Published on "Casa dos Saberes Ancestrais" -
Diálogos com Sabedorias Indígenas

organized by Wenceslao Oliveira Jr. e Alik Wunder - Jurema Publishings 2020

written by Daniel Munduruku

I am convinced that what makes us happy as humans is today, because it's the only moment we truly have to smile, hug, sing, dance, love, and live. It's the time we have to remember our ancestors, celebrate the cycles of nature, be grateful for the lives of our children, grandchildren, friends, and companions. The future leads us to death. The present grants us joy.
That's what our existence is made of. Only that. Or perhaps only a seed of that. The rest echoes the words of our eternal "crazy beauty": "today is just a hole in the future from which the past begins to flow."
Whoever can understand, let them understand.


I made these reflections to express a certainty: the path doesn't come ready-made. Before being a secure place, the path is just a trail. The path is formed as many people walk upon it.

At the beginning, it's just a desire, a void, an intention, a seed, a necessity, a becoming. Once realized, the path can be safely traversed by all passersby who may never remember the pioneers, those who dreamed it. It doesn't matter. What matters is the joy of seeing the trail become a secure path. What matters is knowing that once achieved, the path will provide shelter. Our home is rising. It resides in us like threads in a spider's web. We are gestating it like a being in the womb, gaining shape and preparing to come into the light. It will be a home for all because it was conceived by many engineers, many architects, many dreamers. Knowledge will soon have a permanent home.

 Post Image: Krepur 2023 ©

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