Indigenous Contemporary Art Association

Instituto Uk'a - Casa dos Saberes Ancestrais To advance and protect indigenous identity and fostering resilience through art, the Non-Profit Indigenous Contemporary Art Association 'Instituto Uk'a - Casa dos Saberes Ancestrais'

  • Exhibition Curation: Showcasing Amazonian Indigenous Art and Traditions

    Exhibition Curation: Showcasing Amazonian Indig...

    Our institution takes pride in hosting art exhibitions featuring the works of Amazonian indigenous artists from across South America. These exhibitions provide a profound exploration of various indigenous topics while...

    Exhibition Curation: Showcasing Amazonian Indig...

    Our institution takes pride in hosting art exhibitions featuring the works of Amazonian indigenous artists from across South America. These exhibitions provide a profound exploration of various indigenous topics while...

  • Comprehensive Event Management by the UKA Art Institute

    Comprehensive Event Management by the UKA Art I...

    The House of Ancestral Knowledge, extends its role beyond the realm of online art sales by actively curating and managing a diverse range of engaging events. These events serve as...

    Comprehensive Event Management by the UKA Art I...

    The House of Ancestral Knowledge, extends its role beyond the realm of online art sales by actively curating and managing a diverse range of engaging events. These events serve as...

  • UKA Special Projects

    UKA Special Projects

    they have the potential to expand their reach nationally and internationally, becoming hubs of cross-cultural dialogue.In a world striving for inclusivity and understanding, the UKA's Projects stand as a beacon of cultural...

    UKA Special Projects

    they have the potential to expand their reach nationally and internationally, becoming hubs of cross-cultural dialogue.In a world striving for inclusivity and understanding, the UKA's Projects stand as a beacon of cultural...

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  • Why Indigenous Peoples are critical to the Rights of Nature *

    Por qué los Pueblos Indígenas son fundamentales...

    Edson Krenak Naknanuk

    los Pueblos Indígenas no tienen una relación utilitaria con la Naturaleza, su valor es intrínseco, no funcional ni de servicios, postulando una igualdad de justicia para todas las especies, protegiendo...

    Por qué los Pueblos Indígenas son fundamentales...

    Edson Krenak Naknanuk

    los Pueblos Indígenas no tienen una relación utilitaria con la Naturaleza, su valor es intrínseco, no funcional ni de servicios, postulando una igualdad de justicia para todas las especies, protegiendo...

  • The European Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive: Why Does It Matter for Indigenous Peoples?

    La Directiva Europea de Debida Diligencia en So...

    Edson Krenak Naknanuk

    ¿Refleja el reciente impulso legislativo de la Unión Europea (CSDDD) un cambio hacia la priorización de los derechos humanos y las consideraciones ambientales? Este cambio parece estar orientado a transformar...

    La Directiva Europea de Debida Diligencia en So...

    Edson Krenak Naknanuk

    ¿Refleja el reciente impulso legislativo de la Unión Europea (CSDDD) un cambio hacia la priorización de los derechos humanos y las consideraciones ambientales? Este cambio parece estar orientado a transformar...

  • Arvore Ancestral


    Daniel Munduruku

    Published on "Casa dos Saberes Ancestrais" -Diálogos com Sabedorias Indígenas organized by Wenceslao Oliveira Jr. e Alik Wunder - Jurema Publishings 2020 written by Daniel Munduruku I am convinced that...


    Daniel Munduruku

    Published on "Casa dos Saberes Ancestrais" -Diálogos com Sabedorias Indígenas organized by Wenceslao Oliveira Jr. e Alik Wunder - Jurema Publishings 2020 written by Daniel Munduruku I am convinced that...

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